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Can getting multiple vaccines at the same time overwhelm my baby's immune system?


Can getting multiple vaccines at the same time overwhelm my baby's immune system?

No. Getting multiple vaccines at the same visit will not overwhelm your baby’s immune system. It’s safe, and makes sure your baby is protected sooner rather than later. 
  • Every day, a healthy infant’s immune system successfully fights off millions of germs (antigens) they come across in their surroundings.
  • Vaccines contain only a tiny fraction of the antigens (germs) that infants come across every day.
  • Infants are born with thousands of antibodies that provide protection. They are ready to fight against many different diseases. They are also born with the immune cells that are needed to make antibodies in response to getting many vaccines at one time.
  • Theoretically, infants have the capacity to produce one billion antibodies. So, it is estimated that they could handle up to 10,000 vaccines at any one time.
  • Vaccines do not overwhelm or weaken a child’s immune system. Instead, they make it stronger by providing protection against diseases.
  • Even combination vaccines, which protect against multiple diseases, are easy for your child’s immune system to handle.
As one doctor put it, “Worrying about too many vaccines is like worrying about a thimble of water getting you wet when you are swimming in an ocean.”
Listen to Dr. Paul Offit MD, talk about whether babies get too many vaccines.

Date last reviewed: 
Monday, Jan 31, 2022